Three levels of Sponsorship are available to support the Gorge Winds Concert Band. Benefits include free tickets to each concert, and business logo and/or information in concert programs.All Sponsorshps run from November 1st through October 31st.
Sponsor - $100
Two tickets to each concert
Quarter page (3.75" H X 2.25" W) in three concert programs
Concert Master - $250
Four tickets to each concert
Half page (3.75" H X 4.5" W) in three concert programs
Conductor - $500
Six concerts to each concert
Full page (7.5" H X 4.5" W) in three concert programs
If you or your business would like to participate in our sponsorship program, please contact us at and a sponsorship packet will be sent to you.
The board and membership of GWCB would like to thank you in advance for your support.