Support the Arts!

Your support helps the Gorge Winds Concert Band continue to perform for the Mid-Columbia Gorge community. Your donation are used for the following expenses:

  • Venue performance fees
  • Program advertising and printing
  • Transportation and maintenance
  • Liability Insurance
  • Sheet music
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Band and percussion instruments

Donating to the Gorge Winds Concert Band will help us provide our fans and audiences with more great performances, plus support the arts as a whole.

There are several different ways to support your Gorge Winds Concert Band:

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Are you a Fred Meyer customer? If so, you can support the Gorge Winds Concert Band by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to us. If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can either sign up for one at one of the Fred Meyer Customer Service Desk, or sign up online at their website. Click here to sign in to the Fred Meyer website or to create an account. Note: you will be opening a new browser window. 

Finding our Nonprofit Organization
Once you have created or logged into your Fred Meyer account, find us by typing in "gorge winds" in the Fred Meyer search engine. Scroll down and find Gorge Winds Concert Band and click it. then click on the orange Enroll button. That's it! Thank you for linking us to your Rewards Card!

Here is a Fred Meyer Community Rewards User Guide for creating a new account. If you already have a Fred Meyer account, simply log in and then search for the Gorge Winds Concert Band to link to your Rewards Card.

Please note that the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program recently changed their procedures and now requires participants to re-enroll every year. 

Donate through Paypal

Click here to donate through Paypal


Concert Band Program Advertising (coming soon!)

The Gorge Winds Concert Band is a a 501(c)(3) Organization, not for profit, tax exempt organization recognized by the state of Oregon and the IRS. Our federal tax number is 45-2326398. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Receipts are available upon request.


©2025 | Gorge Winds Concert Band | All rights reserved
PO Box 452, The Dalles, OR 97058

The Gorge Winds Concert Band is a nonproft 501(c)(3) organization