Our Vision

Straddling two states, Oregon and Washington, the Gorge Winds Concert Band strives to musically grow together and provide the best possible music in the Mid-Columbia Gorge.

Read What People Are Saying

"Have never missed a performance. This (Christmas concert), by all means surpassed all".


"Great job", "Great selection", Great Performances!"


"What a wonderful concert I attended last Sunday afternoon as the The Gorge Winds sponsored their annual Spring Concert at the Civic Auditorium. The Dalles is so fortunate to have such a wonderful asset in our community..."


"I really enjoyed the selections of music that the band played today. It was a wonderful concert. It was interesting to have such a variety, and I liked the pieces you played, especially the Leroy Anderson piece with the trumpets. And I most especially felt charmed by your unannounced encore. It was delightful to be surprised! And by a piece of music that is so pleasing and familiar! It was like a fabulous present!"

©2025 | Gorge Winds Concert Band | All rights reserved
PO Box 452, The Dalles, OR 97058

The Gorge Winds Concert Band is a nonproft 501(c)(3) organization